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Customer Testimonial:

Muller Precisionstaile GmbH, Germany, production of precision items and components:
- Laser marking system "MiniMarker F 10" consumes very small amount of energy, and is compact and reliable. Based on our experience we recommend "MiniMarker F-10" fiber laser for industrial marking of items of different materials..
Amber (Proekt 111), Saint-Petersburg, supplier of advertizing souvenirs and business gifts:
- MiniMarker fiber laser systems are perfect for our goals, which include personalization of the souvenirs and production of exclusive items made of various materials..
KRITBI - Regional innovation and technological business incubator in Krasnoyarsk:
- MiniMarker 2 laser system in our prototyping centre KRITBI is a multifunctional equipment, which is used by our residents and other regional enterprises. Besides, the access to MiniMarker 2 system is given to students, who can realize their inventive ideas using the base of our open youth centre of innovation
ITMO - Saint-Petersburg national research university of informational technologies, mechanics and optics and laser centre are connected with long-term partner relations and joint projects. MiniMarker 2 and Trotec laser equipment provides broad opportunities for research and practical engineering for students of universities and schools and for scientists..
HARP bearing factory in Oskol, production of bearing for railroad transport:
- Main customers of HAPR factory products are the biggest in Russia owners and producers of the rolling-stocks: Russian Railways, Uralvagonzavod, First cargo company and others. MiniMarker 2 fiber laser machine works in compliance with the high requirements of the bearings production.
Jewelry factory "Krasnaya Presnya" in Volga region, producer of jewelry:
- Fiber Laser System MiniMarker M10 allowed us to broaden the range of our items for sale with the new option of engraving miniature images (icons, zodiac signs). We also offer production of "family silver" with engraved monogram on the table silver.
Art metallic Items factory in Pavlovsk, production of silver cutlery:
- The usage of MiniMarker 2 laser systems allows us to boost the decorative appeal of produced items and preserves high quality of the cutlery.
"Special construction bureau of Special Measuring systems, production of movement sensors
- Fiber Laser Marking system is used for marking the produce with company logos, information about the product, contact information, scales, bar-codes, graphic information and schemesм.
National research polytechnic university of Tomsk - federal state educational facility of the higher professional education:
- Research and studying FAB lab laser laboratory of the Polytechnic university allows us not only to teach the students, but also perform scientific research, perfect the technology of the technological processes and then transfer them into industrial scales.
Victory, Nizhy Novgorod, advertizing and production company:
- MiniMarker laser equipment has significantly broadened the capabilities of our company in the field of creating gift products and laser marking of the industrial items for the enterprises of our region.
"LaserGroup", Saint-Petersburg, advertizing and production company:
- Usage of the laser equipment of the Laser Center allows us to offer our clients a broad range of different laser engraving.
Mir Gravirovki, Saint-Petersburg, advertizing and production company:
- The usage of MiniMarker Laser Machine in our business contributes to the success of the company. We can swiftly fill the orders of our clients, performing engraving of different items, gifts and business souvenirs.
Otis lift , Saint-Petersburg, production of elevators "OTIS":
- MiniMarker M20 laser complex, equipped with three-axis positioning system and 1600*300 mm marking field performs precision laser marking of the elevator cabin components..
OLIMP SRL, Kishinev, Moldova, production of control and sealing device:
- Laser method of marking was chosen by us to protect the produce against counterfeit, because the attempts to change or destroy the marking on the case of the seal due to the plastic covering leave visible prints.
VAZINTERSERVIS, Toliatti, production of automobile components:
- Now all the clutch disks and steering rods, which the company supplied to the assembly line of the Volga automotive factory and to the retail are marked with the laser beam. The marking includes the company logo "VIS", certification symbol of the State Standard, the identification of the component, month and year of the production, catalogue number of the component.
BRMT (Balakovo Metallo Rezino Technica), ), production of automotive components:
- Due to the expansion and modernization of our production, the equipment of the BMRT company was equipped with the modern laser fiber systems MiniMarker 2 for identification of the product and protection from counterfeit
Opika, Belarus, production of equipment and instruments for the gas stations:
- Laser method of marking for marking of text and symbols on the instruments was chosen due to the durability of the laser engraved images to the aggressive environments (gasoline, diesel, oils and other oil products).





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Customers' reviews

- MiniMarker F-10 consumes very little power and is compact and reliable.

- MiniMarker 2 is optimal for engraving textual, digital and graphic information

- The Usage of MiniMarker 2 reduced labor content and shortened the cycle of produce manufacturing

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